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How to Win at Roulette

  How to Win at Roulette

In our best online casino, you will find several types of roulette games. Most of our customers like it because of its simplicity and dynamics. The active player knows that the winning odds in our roulette are around 50%, and they use it quite often. If you want to try this casino game, read our instructions, so as not to spoil your gaming fun.

Basic Roulette Rules

It's impossible to win at this game in the long run. But several strategies do exist, which will show you how to win in the short term. They were created by thoughtful and serious players. That is why the chances are so high.

The rules are straightforward. There is a wheel that features red and black slots with numbers from 1 to 36 on them. Also, there may be one or two zero slots. One is for European roulette; two is for American. Additionally, there is a table that also features the numbers and several additional sectors to place bets.

All players should place their bets on the table. During the betting session, place a bet on the particular spot on the table. When the session is closed, the dealer spins the wheel and throws the ball. The slot, where the ball stays in the end, is the winning number.You will get a payout in USD, EUR, CAD, or whatever currency you use if you bet on that number or a group of numbers. That is it!

The M-Strategy

  • The Martingale roulette strategy requires doubling your bet after every loss. It means that in case of a win, the payments will cover all of your losses, even at online slots Roulette. You need to have enough money to play in such a way. Some hints:
  • Start to bet from the smallest amount of money. It will help you to double your stakes for even longer.
  • Even after you win, keep the payments and the bet the same small amount.
  • Don't bet on zero; choose 19-36, 1-18, or red or black.
  • Double your bet every time after the loss.
  • Keep the bet on the same number or color.
  • Continue until you win enough to leave.

After some time, the reverse M-strategy was also designed. The idea is to decrease the bet after wins. Thus, you may keep the highest win. Such an approach minimizes losses from further play. Some hints:

  • Again, start with the smallest amount of money.
  • Keep the bet on one spot (19-36, 1-18, or red or black).
  • Don't raise the bet when you lose.
  • Double the bet for the next round when you win.
  • When you win again, double the bet.
  • If you lose, reduce the bet to the original small sum.
  • Continue until you win enough to leave.

The D'Alembert Strategy

This strategy is for even bets. Players in an online casino add a certain amount to the bet after they win and subtract the same amount after they lose. There is no reverse system. Some hints:

  • Select your even-money bet (red-black).
  • Choose the outcome on which you stake (e.g., black).
  • Keep playing for that stake.
  • Add, for example, one chip to the previous bet after you lose.
  • Take one chip from the previous bet after you win.
  • Play until you are satisfied with the results.

The Fibonacci Strategy

This strategy has a solid mathematical and scientific base. Players like it more than the M-system. Moreover, it helps the player stay within reasonable betting limits.

The bets are determined by the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 2, and so on). The Fibonacci staking system is the system of scores which are calculated based on the roulette's outcome. Some hints:

  • Again, start with the smallest amount of money on 19-36, 1-18, or red or black.
  • In case of loss, take one step further in the Fibonacci sequence.
  • When you win, go two steps back on the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Play until you are satisfied with the results.

The James Bond Strategy

Thanks to Ian Fleming, who invented this system. It became one of the most popular casino roulette strategies. It requires a minimum budget

  • of 200 USD. How to play:
  • Bet 140 USD on 19-36.
  • 50 USD on 13-18.
  • 10 USD on zero (it is your insurance).

The result can be the following:

  • If the number is 1-12 win, you lose.
  • If the 140 USD bet wins, you get 140 USD and 80 USD.
  • If 13 18 wins, you get 50 USD + 100 USD.
  • If zero wins, you get 160 USD.

This strategy prevents you from going bankrupt.

The idea is to show you that casino games are the real working instrument. When you start to think and use the strategies or even create your own, you will gain outstanding payments. If you want to practice, you may try the strategies out in a free slots roulette.

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